French Lovers Unite
There’s just something about France, right? If you’re anything like me, you’re an unashamed Francophile always dreaming about your next French fix. It never matters how recently you were last lucky enough to visit because you just can’t help it, you’re always planning the next rendevouz. The pull on those heartstrings is that strong!
I first travelled to France when I was twenty-two years young and have been captivated ever since. Spellbound by the culture, language, history, people, food, wine, the fashion… the list goes on and on of course – but this incredible all encompassing feeling of romance & nostalgia was what hit me the most. I’ve been very fortunate to visit countless times over the years and ‘that feeling’ has come over me on every occasion, without fail.
Paris was a universe whole and entire unto herself, hollowed and fashioned by history. - Anne Rice
This feeling I have for France is simply indescribable and in all my travels I’ve never felt this type of connection anywhere else. I’ve come to know that many others feel the exact same way and needless to say, this is why the term ‘Francophiles’ was coined. There’s a whole movement of us, isn’t that amazing? Certainly a stark contrast to a Francophobe who is on the other side of the fence! Fun facts, non? I’m so glad you’re here and I can’t wait to share everything that I have in store for my fellow Francophiles.